President’s Night

President’s Night
This Year our President David Wynn-McKenzie decided to change the format from formal to informal and a most enjoyable evening was spent touring the Hall & Woodhouse brewery where the process of making beer was explained. The evening concluded with a traditional Ploughman’s supper. All in all a very successful event!
Annual General Meeting
To confirm the officers for the coming Rotary year July 2014/15 – Mike Farrow (President) and Richard Shean (Senior Vice President), the Vice-President’s role to be filled. Secretary Trish Lever, Treasurer Berenice Deakin, District Voting Representatives Mike Farrow and Trish Lever, alternatives Richard Shean and Berenice Deakin.
The following Honorary Members were confirmed:
Gerry Batten, Ron Homes, Roy Wykes, Mike Robinson and Tony Davies.