
Jul 24, 2016 by


June 6 – No meeting


Evening with Partners, June 13

We met at the Fleur for an evening with partners as Mike Foote had arranged a special speaker. We were treated to a fascinating talk by Winston Fane-Bailey a retired Royal Household protection officer. We were told how he had worked as a police officer in the Met. His successful application to join the Household protection team meant that one day he was wrestling a violent offender to the ground in the street and next he was meeting Prince Charles.


We learned of the training especially in the carrying and use of firearms and day to day life protecting and working closely with various members of the Royal Family including the late Princess Diana. Winston shared stories of intimate moments, everyday events and a personal list of favourite royals.

Charity Cycle Ride, June 19th

At last the day arrived for our first Gold Hill Cycle Ride. Early on the morning of Sunday 19th June 2016 a number of bleary eyed Rotarians arrived at Park Walk, Shaftesbury to set up ready for the start of our ride. We were all rather nervous – not knowing how the day was going to develop. We had been a bit disappointed at the low numbers pre registering online through our website. However we had a late run of registrations into the evening of the night before, and even through the morning of the ride (after we were already on Park Walk !!)


Our first rider turned up unexpected, before we had finished setting up for registration and way before our planned starting times. He had heard by word of mouth that you could turn up and start at any time. We hastily grabbed him by his bike clips before he could escape, registered him, briefed him and sent him happily on his way. Not long after that the steady flow of people arriving to take part started. Mostly “locals” but also a pleasing number from further afield. Numbers were swollen by people just turning up on the day, joining our pre registered riders. All in all we ended with over fifty people taking part. Suddenly there was a real buzz on Park Walk as we headed towards the first start time of 10.00 for the 25 mile ride. Riders were briefed with a “starters talk” and set on their way with a loud blast of an air horn. You could almost hear the sound of patients in the hospital next door falling out of bed !!


10.30 soon arrived and the 12 mile ride was set on its way. It was felt that a lot of people had waited to see what the weather was going to be like before deciding to join in. Thankfully the weather was kind to us, although the mist did roll in across the vale a few times and the wind picked up and the temperature dropped. There was an unpleasant drizzle for a while. But this did not last and we escaped reasonably dry. The photos show the faces of riders looking very serious with nerves/ concentration/ apprehension before the starts. This all changed as riders returned, as there was much smiling and happiness, with lots of riders complimenting the choices of routes and how much they had enjoyed the event.


Participants came in all shapes and sizes. From the serious guys on their hi tech machines, to the “not so serious” guys on their ancient bikes that hadn’t seen the outside of the shed for years and still covered in cobwebs. We had a rider complete with basket on the back of his bike who carried his dog all the way round – two brave souls on a tandem – and three little maids wearing horse riding helmets !!!!


Having counted them all out, and counted them all in we were one short – a very nervous period wondering when we should send out the search party. Great relief to all when she arrived back on Park Walk cycling steadily towards the finish with a huge smile on her face. An area needing attention before next years ride is marshalling!! We were lucky to have Dorset Marshalls help on the day to show us how it is done. We need to make sure that our wonderful marshals are in place (the right place that is) and know which direction the riders will be approaching from. Also we must try and organise things so that there are no other cycle rides on the same morning. This will avoid our marshals sending other events riders onto our routes – when they were supposed to be going the other way !!!


The “Gold Hill Challenge” turned out to be surprisingly popular. A number of hardy riders cycled all the way up, with the more normal folk happy to push their bikes up this very steep hill after an hour or so in the saddle. It was a great atmosphere at the top of the hill with passers by and customers in the café joining in and cheering riders as they made it to the top.


So was it all worth it ?


Definitely. Our first effort raised a few pence under £1200.00 after expenses (including the cost of a load of medals left for next year !), a great result. As well as financially profitable it was very rewarding to be involved in running an event where people taking part got so much out of the day.


Lastly a big thank you to all who supported and helped in many ways to make the day happen:


•    Hamoon Cycles for sponsoring help towards the day, and for his kind efforts on the day
•    Garrett Judd at Signrite for his huge efforts in providing signage and direction arrows etc
•    Tescos for generously providing water and fruit for riders at the finish
•    Dorset Marshalls in particular Niccy Judd for all her hard work
•    All Rotary members for your help and support


Any thoughts, comments or ideas to help next years event be bigger and better will be welcomed. Click here to see all the photos from the 2016 event.




Business Meeting, June 20th

This was a standard Business Meeting where we discussed upcoming events and of course the Presidential Handover.

Club Assembly, June 27th

This is when we look forward to the new Rotary year with our incoming president. In the last year we have had three new members and Bernard Skam hoped to do at least as well in his year. We plan to continue our current main fundraising activities, namely Gold Hill Fair, golf and our new cycle event. In the last year we have given away £14,000 to a wide range of good causes and we hope to do similarly well next year.


The presidential handover then took place with outgoing president Richard’s expression of thanks to all who had helped him and best wishes to Bernard for his year. Please click here to download our current Club Assembly report.



IMG_5034a Presidential Handover

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