5th – No meeting
12th – Shelterbox
We welcomed our speaker Rotarian Howard Matthews of Christchurch Rotary Club, who is a volunteer speaker for Shelterbox, the charity started by the Rotary Club of Helston in Cornwall in 2000.
Shelterbox provides emergency shelter and tools for families made homeless by natural disaster or conflict anywhere in the world. Shelter boxes and Shelter kits contain all the essential tools people need to start repairing and rebuilding homes straight away. These include items like thermal blankets, solar lights, rope, tarpaulins and water carriers and cooking pots.
In the last six months Shelterbox response teams have been working in the Philippines after the tropical storms in December, in the Caribbean after the devastation of Hurricane’s Maria and Irma and in Bangladesh helping with the Rohingya crisis.
The charity now works in partnership with Rotary International and in 2017 Shaftesbury Rotary Club donated £2,500 to Shelterbox. For more information on the charity please visit https://www.shelterbox.org/
17th – Snowdrop Parade
Rotarians supported and acted as marshals for the annual snowdrop festival and parade. Another successful event! Further information can be found at http://www.shaftesburysnowdrops.org/
19th – Business Meeting
The council minutes for January were acknowledged and a revue of activities. Full details can be seen in the March Council minutes on the members page.
26th– Trefoil Guild
A speaker from the Trefoil Guild joined us on the 26 Feb2018 and informed the club how they support Guiding and Scouting in the UK, all the members are ex Guides or Scouts, there are over a 1,000 Trefoil Guilds with 20,000 members assisting local guiding groups and Brownies, working towards gaining badges and preparing older girls for camping and other adventures. Many members are unit leaders or helper’s in Girl Guiding units. The main aim is to keep alive among members the spirit of Guide & Scout Promise & laws. More information can be found at http://www.trefoilguild.co.uk/