
1st – RNLI Visit
On Friday 1st June a group of 22 club members visited the RNLI College at Poole. We had a very informative 90 minute guided, behind the scenes tour of the college, where volunteer crews and lifeguards are trained.
We had chance to explore all the training facilities, including the world-class Sea Survival Centre, which hosts the wave tank and lifeboat simulator. With Rotarian Bernard Skam at the helm of the simulator, we set out on a daring rescue off Dover Harbour!
Following the tour, the group enjoyed a delicious hot buffet lunch in the Harbour View Suite, with its grand sweeping views over Holes Bay and Poole Harbour.
President Trish Lever organised the visit and lunch at the end of her year in office, as a change from the club’s formal Presidential Dinner.
Every penny spent at the college saves lives at sea.
2nd – Compton Abbas Trip
When three organisations get together to support young deprived kids you are guaranteed a great day out, and this is what happened on the 2nd June this year. Aviation Without Boarders (AWB), Compton Abbas Airfield and Shaftesbury Rotary paid for nine young people to go flying in a light aeroplane, some of which had never flown before. There were five, 30 minute flights from Compton Abbas Airfield to King Alfred’s Tower. AWB were kind enough to pay for half of the costs with Shaftesbury Rotary covering the rest. Compton Abbas paid for the landing fees and the day membership. The weather was fantastic and provide perfect flying conditions for the flights. Whilst we were there the resident Boeing Stearman was doing pleasure flights, which was a great site to watch!
4th – No meeting
11th – Visit to India
Natasha Murphy (Tash) was our speaker for the 11th June. Shaftesbury Rotary part funded Tash to visit a village in India, to educate and actively promote gender equality in a developing country. This included teaching women about personal hygiene and sanitation, whilst Tash lived with families for 3 months. An incredibly experience we are sure Tash will never forget!
14th – ‘Kids Out’
Of all the many events that Rotary organises, supports and funds taking the less able children and caring teachers and staff and teachers from Yewstock School for the annual day out at Longleat has to be one of the most rewarding. This year was no exception, organising the transport for some 80 guests and working with other Rotary clubs to provide food and treats is a big challenge.
Considerable credit must go to our own John Warner who has steadfastly undertaken this role for more years than he can remember. We have received a lovely letter of gratitude from the Head of school and loads of cards from the children thanking us for a great day out, which you can view here:
18th – Club Assembly
One of the most important days in the rotary year when the incoming President sets out his vision for the year ahead. Guy Lowton wasted no time in stating that he is retaining the same team that had served Trish and the club so well during her year and to continue with the events and projects that have been so successful as recorded in detail on our web site “time line”. Guy made special mention that he is determined to assist in bringing to fruition the cycle speedway project during his year and the desire to streamline the standard committee meetings by engaging the whole club at the business meetings. We were fortunate to have both the District Governor and the assistant District Governor in attendance to share their views.
The assistant DG noted that she was impressed that we worked with other Rotary clubs on events within our group and spoke highly about the incoming National president who mantra is “be the Inspiration”. The DG noted that clubs should think about their legacy to the community in 10 years forward and the need to involve new younger members in projects rather than meetings and in that context he suggested that we could raise funds for projects by Rotary global giving , just giving and crowd funding which several clubs have successfully done. It was particularly interesting when he picked up Guy’s comment to have one standard committee meeting, he noted that is the norm in his club and when asked in that case why have a Council meeting he responded by surprisingly stating that they don’t have council meetings as such, as it is all dealt with at the all members combined business meeting.
25th – Presidential Handover
President Trish at the last meeting of the Rotary year thanked all of her team of officers and the members for making the year such a success and thoroughly enjoyable, so much has been achieved both within the local community and internationally all of which is recorded on the clubs website for members both present and future to enjoy. Trish then vacated the chair and passed the chain of office to Guy Lowton who in turn presented Win Harvey with the President elect chain and finally the immediate past Presidents badge to Trish.
The evening continued with a welcome to Steve Crossley the head of Shaftesbury boarding school and both this year and next year’s head boys. Steve thanked the club for their interest in the schools activities including the much valued interview techniques The current head boy spoke humorously about his responsibilities in the school and his intention to become a comedian or comedy writer studying at Winchester university.