
1st – Gold Hill Fair 2018
Gold Hill Fair has once again come and gone adding to the successes of Shaftesbury Rotary Club.
Again very lucky with the weather with a slight shower to cool everybody off in the middle of the day. Many stalls attended with the High Street and Park Walk a bustling place to be for crafts, music games and of course Donkey Rides. The Van Pull was held in the High Street but unfortunately on three teams took part this year. We hope to publicise this for next year and get a good turn out. The Fair again brought in a good profit, this year in the region of £4500, this will be donated to many good causes within the local community and some going further afield where help is required. Some of the recipients are listed below.
A full music programme in the idyllic surroundings of the Abbey grounds and country dance as usual held in front of the Town Hall along with The Tibetan Monks who joined us again this year. The Celtic Knot this year performed in the Rose Garden and proved a great success with more people sitting and listening for longer periods and also buying refreshment from the Rotary tea-tent. Also joining in the fun of the fair were the Community Choir and also the Arts Centre who were publicising their forth-coming show. Trinity church tower was once again open for visitors prepared to climb the many step and get one of the best views of the town and surrounding countryside.
Along with many other attractions it was well worth a visit and a great day of bringing together the community spirit of Shaftesbury for the many visitors who attended.
Many thanks go to all who made this a very successful fundraiser.
2nd – No meeting
9th – Riding for the Disabled
Our Guest speaker tonight was Mrs Sue Hodder who is the chair lady of the Milton Abbas Group of the RDA. ( Riding for the Disabled ) . Sue explained there are 500 volunteer groups in the UK and there aim is to provide ponies and volunteers to make available the wonderful experiences of riding for disabled children . This creates therapy, achievement and enjoyment for disabled children. At Milton Abbas they have chosen to look after severally disabled children who are unable to communicate and even show feeling to their parents. With a lot of patients and time these children will respond to the ponies which gives a wonderful sense of achievement for the volunteers. Shaftsbury Rotary have donated £250 to help these volunteers continue their wonderful work.
16th – District Governor Meeting
The club was pleased to welcome District Governor Allan Smith and Assistant Governor Debbie Dunford to its meeting on 16th July.
Allan gave a power point presentation and spoke passionately about the role of Rotary in the community. His theme was “Be the inspiration” and he talked about various initiatives to increase membership by other clubs in the district and wider community. He urged the club to make use of the skills and resources available at District and hoped some members would attend the District Conference in Jersey later in the year. His presentation was well received and followed by a lively question and answer session.
23rd – Diverse Abilities
We welcomed Nicole Warrilow, from Diverse Abilities, who was helped with her presentation by Hannah who was assisted during the evening by her help-dog Hudson.
Diverse Abilities is Dorset’s disability charity supporting children and adults with profound physical and learning disabilities across the county since 1955. The presentation explained the varied and valuable work that they offer to support children and adults with all learning and physical disabilities, and their families. Their aim is to provide fun and maximise opportunities for them. You can read more about the charity here.
30th – Wives & Partners Meal
Traditionally the 5th Monday in the month gives members the opportunity to invite wives and partners to dinner at our regular venue at the Fleur de Lys. On this occasion we decided to make the evening a purely social occasion without a speaker. However we were entertained by the usual banter across the tables by our entertainment officer and a update on the up and coming events. The evening was most enjoyable and the consensus was we should try to repeat these events perhaps more than the three occasions available in the current Rotary year.
Finally the club has been recognised as a major contributor to the eradication of Polio and received a fantastic award.