
5th – No meeting.
12th – Dungri Village project India
We welcomed back Liz Gray who spoke to us on the 30th October 2017 when she took us through her plans for the project (Please see our October 2017 time line for those details). The purpose for this visit was to take us through all of the trials and tribulations of the project which was a great success and her thanks for our financial report
19th – Business meeting.
The meeting discussed the annual challenge of the shoe box scheme, more information below under the general heading.
Decisions were made regarding the Christmas street collection for Rotary Charities.
The business partners scheme goes from strength to strength with 7 new partners and a further 2 in the pipeline.
Final details were agreed for the circus performance at Shaftesbury school on December the 15th.
Full details of the business meeting can be found in the Members page.
26th – WaterAid Presentation
Clean water is something that most people take for granted. This evening, Dick Stevens (a friend of rotarian Bernard Skam) gave a presentation on WaterAid and the work they do around the world.

WaterAid Presentation
The Problems
844 million people worldwide do not have access to clean water (1 in 9)
2.3 billion people are without proper sanitation (1 in 3)
Each day 80 children die of diarrhoea resulting from dirty water
The Solutions
Working with local NGO’s to provide safe water
Working also to provide latrines, i.e. sanitation
Provide Hygiene Education wherever we work
Why WaterAid?
A humanitarian charity – health, time, education especially of girls
An efficient Charity
WaterAid’s projects are Sustainable
Safe Water plus Hygiene Education saves lives
30th – Mock Interviews
On Friday 30th November six Rotarians (together with experienced HR representatives from local businesses) conducted a series of mock interviews with six form pupils from Shaftesbury School, continuing a Rotary/School tradition going back some twenty years.
The interviewers were impressed by the confidence and maturity of many of the students who in turn expressed their gratitude for the valuable experience and feedback as they prepare for further education or employment applications.
Shaftesbury Rotary Club enjoys its close relationship with Shaftesbury School and looks forward to supporting the interview day in 2019.
Shoe Box Success! – Each year Shaftesbury Rotary organise the distribution of empty shoe boxes to willing community groups. They then cover them in Christmas paper and fill them with useful and practical gifts (and a few toys) for needy children. The boxes are categorised in age groups of 1-3, 4-7, 8-11.and 12-15. In 2017 we collected 360 schools and other communities. This was an improvement on the previous two years of 224 in 2015 and 320 in 2016.

Rotary Wives packing shoeboxes
We then deliver the boxes to our District’s Warehouse to be sent to Rotary Clubs for distribution to disadvantaged children in Albania, Montenegro, Moldova and Romania, putting a smile on their faces, when they have something to open at Christmas.
We would like to say Happy Birthday to Shaftesbury & District Trefoil and say a big thank you on behalf of Rotary for an amazing achievement of collecting 81 boxes. Thank you, Diane Traves and Trefoil.