6th – Twinning Meal
Since 2001 the Rotary Clubs of Shaftesbury and Heerlen of The Netherlands have met alternatively, hosting fellow Rotarians in their homes. This year was the turn of Shaftesbury to host their Dutch Guests.
After a night’s rest, the weekend ‘kicked off’ with a trip to The Somerset Cider Brandy Company, where our host Julian Temperley gave us an interesting insight into the history of cider brandy, together with tasting his cider wines, aperitifs and cider brandy.
After generous measures and a very entertaining morning, we then headed up to the Fleet Air Arm Museum at Yeovilton to complete the first day.
Sunday was a more relaxing day heading up to Hauser and Wirth in Bruton followed by a trip to Godminster Cheese Shop. The guests and hosts were able to enjoy Sunday afternoon at their leisure.
It was another successful weekend with our Dutch partners, where the bond between Clubs has grown stronger, year by year. This was accentuated by Lucienne Speth, Heerlen’s President when she made a very poignant speech to both clubs at their Dinner on the Sunday Evening. In her speech she highlighted:
“Being the president of our Rotary club Heerlen Land van Rode this year I had 3 C’s as my theme:
1. to Continue the refreshing course our former president John Scheeren had started. He let his sun made the design of our new vane, little flag, which I am going to hand to Winny, your President, and treasurer, who very kindly drove us to the cider brandy company and the Royal National Airforce museum and who, as we discovered worked at the RNAS.
2. to Connect, the theme of our international president Mallony, which we are actually doing at this time, performing the international avenue, one of our 5 Rotary avenues, and building better friendship, the third question of the four-way test.
3. to Care for each other is my third C, being a paediatric rehabilitation physician, it’s my everyday work. But I am worrying about a possible Brexit and its consequences. We heard yesterday form the cider farmer about his export problems and the regulation problems, which would lead to more dependency of the USA.
Let us treasure our Europe with its different countries, cultures, norms and values! Whether Brexit will proceed or not, let us Care for each other and stay Connected and Continue in being partner clubs! Answering the question of Bharti Kher: these things do really matter to my opinion!”
Guests and hosts parted company on the Monday morning as they caught the train and headed to London to catch the Eurostar. We now look forward to next year’s trip to Heerlen.
If you would like to know more about Rotary, or interested in joining then please look at our website www.shafteburyrotaryclub.org and get in contact.
7th – No meeting
14th – Organ Donation talk
Helen Lawes, Matron at the Shaftesbury Memorial Hospital kindly informed us about the changes in the forthcoming law on organ donations, this is where, at the moment you opt in, around spring 2020 you will have to opt out, Helen is personally qualified as she donated a kidney to her husband in 2019.
21st – Business Meeting and General Meeting of Club
We met for our monthly business meeting at which we reviewed some donations.
We made plans for our social evening to thank supporters of our Cycle Event. A cheque will be presented at this for 6000 to Prostate Cancer our main beneficiary.
Members were reminded of our Defibrillator educational event for the public. We also commenced plans for a Christmas collection and a Christmas Circus event for disadvantaged children.
We then held our AGM.
As always, full details of the meeting can be found in the members section.
Wednesday 23rd – Defibrillator training
Every year we hold a training and familiarisation session in the use of our Public access defibrillator. This is located on the side wall of Saxon Photographic at the top of Gold Hill, next door to the Town Hall. The session was held at the Sports Social Bar, Coppice St., by kind permission of Shaftesbury Football Club. The session was led by Kate Fisher who is a paramedic with the ambulance trust and is responsible for community training.
Kate’s demonstration showed just how simple it is to use the defibrillator. The machine itself gives clear spoken, step by step instructions, and will not allow an inappropriate shock to be given. She gave her audience a lot of simple practical advice on how to cope with sudden collapse. Many people are anxious about doing accidental harm to casualty in these frightening circumstances. They were given comprehensive reassurance.
The session ended with a practical hands on session of CPR – CardioPulmonary Resuscitation – using dummies.
28th – Speaker Matt Boatright
Our speaker this evening was Matt Boatright who is the managing director of Boatright’s estate Agents based here in Shaftesbury, Tisbury, Amesbury and Salisbury. Matt took the brave approach of a very short introduction of his business and then suggested rather than market his company he would take any questions at the beginning rather than at the end. This proved to be very successful as the questions and answers flowed across a whole range of the issues affecting the sale and purchasing of property.