A “Thank You” for Donations
Dear David,
We are writing to thank you and all the members of your Club for your hard work and generosity in making a donation to the Indian / Ukrainian Appeals.
We are always amazed and deeply moved by the way in which Rotarians throughout the District answer the call to help when others both in this country and abroad need our support. These last 2 years has been particularly difficult for all of us with the effects of COVID still being felt in this country and overseas. Now with the dreadful war in the Ukraine we are seeing millions being displaced and in need.
When the call went out to help those in need in India, the Rotarians of District 1110 were there to provide funds and support where required. The pictures from Ukraine again galvanised so many Rotarians to go out of their way to not only raise substantial funds but also to help in many other practical ways. These included collecting clothing and much needed supplies to actually delivering items to the border regions of Poland whilst also making contact with our colleagues and friends in Rotary Clubs in Poland and across the conflict zone.
Service Above Self is the motto by which Rotarians are seen and judged. The contribution that your club has made to these appeals, and in the very many other activities in which you are involved, exemplifies that motto and shows we lead from the front.
On behalf of the whole District Team we would like to say thank you and wish all your members and their families well.
Yours in Rotary,
District Governor Paul Steele and District Governor Elect Bill Casey
13th – Final Business Meeting of the Year
On the final Business Meeting of Tim Cook’s Presidential Year on a beautiful summer’s evening, it was announced that after 38 years John Warner decided it was time to retire. Members thanked him for all the hard work he had put into the club. He was delighted to accept Honorary Membership and said he would continue helping out throughout the year.
The first item of significance on the agenda was the forthcoming Gold Hill Festival which was well on track with sponsors, stallholders and performers and promised to be a very successful fun day for all.
Youth Speaks and Young Chef were discussed, and dates had been set as 8th February for Young Chef and the provisional date of 26th January for Young Chef, all to take place at Shaftesbury School where this year a great partnership has been formed with Shaftesbury Rotary Club.
The return of KidsOut after a break for Covid was very successful with Yewstock School being taken to Longleat, all children returned.
North Dorset Cycle Ride was yet another successful day, with a minimum £6,000 made before the addition of individual sponsorship money. The committee thanked all the members and their partners/friends for all their hard work on the day.
Twinning with our Dutch Rotarian friends was going to place on the 9th of September with a coach laid on to take members to Stanstead Airport retuning on Monday 12th September.
Finally, The President’s Night will be a Curry Night at the Udder Farmshop on Monday 27th June 18:30 for 19:00pm. This will also incorporate President’s Handover.
We wish David Britton our incoming President a successful and enjoyable term as President.
“RotaKids” comes to Shaftesbury
A meeting was held with the Head Teacher and School Council at Abbey Church of England VA Primary School on 17th June. The School Council is made up of representatives from all year groups in the school. During a very constructive discussion, it was agreed that the school will run a RotaKids Club in partnership with Shaftesbury Rotary Club from September.
Various possible community projects for next year were also discussed. The young people present came up with lots of excellent suggestions. It was also agreed that the club would have approximately 16 members in the first instance.
RotaKids is a fun and exciting way for young people aged 7-12 to make friends and get involved with important activities in the community, all while having a great time in the process.
RotaKids clubs are based in schools, youth groups or community centres and with the help and support from teachers, youth leaders and the local Rotary Club, young people can gain a valuable experience in helping others and learning interesting, new things.
It also brings an exciting and practical approach to supporting and learning citizenship.
Those involved enjoy a boost to their confidence and self-esteem at a key age and develop and understanding of how their actions can impact on others.
27th – President’s Handover
On a warm June evening, we gathered at 6:30 on the patio at The Udder Farm Restaurant for an evening to celebrate our presidents year. A great venue offering something different with a fabulous view, 30 of us gathered for a curry evening and no whinging or complaints, unlike us! The Beef and Chicken Curries were delicious as many of us showed by returning for seconds.
2021/2022 was not an ideal year for taking over as President as we emerged from Zoom meetings to Stages 1 to 4 of the roadmap out of Lockdown. The Cycle Ride, Gold Hill Festival and Golf Day were back in play with restrictions. Our longstanding relationship with The Fleur de Lys came to an end and we wish David, Mary and Mark well for the future as we settled into less regular meetings at The Royal Chase. Tim managed all the hurdles with ease, but acknowledged the support of his Chairs, committees and sub committees who prepared and ran the events and would have liked to name them all. Particular thanks to Win Harvey (Treasurer) and David Wynn Mackenzie (Secretary) who were a constant support and guide throughout the Year.
Bernard was even permitted to speak for a short while and managed to get in one of his many jokes before Tim Cook handed over the reins to incoming President David Britton. The ceremonial exchange of the Ribbon & Badge was dispensed with due to Tim’s injury whilst listening to The Eagles in Hyde Park.
Many thanks to Tim for his year as president and have plenty more jobs for him yet. We also wish David a successful year as incoming president and look forward to supporting him fully in that.