
5th – Social/recruitment Evening at Breezy Ridge Vineyard Restaurant
Report to follow.
10th – business meeting with guest speaker
On the 10th October our speaker was Ian Kellett, secretary of The Shaftesbury & District Historical Society, who briefed us on us the origins of the Society, the foundation and development of the Museum and the work that the volunteers commit to ensure the future of the organisation.
Their winter series of lectures started with The Teulon Porter memorial Lecture “William Beckford after Fonthill – Building & Collecting in Bath”. This is followed by six further monthly lectures and events ending in April, open to both members and non-members.
Subscribe to Ian’s Museum News Blogs for the latest on upcoming lectures, days out and events. www.goldhillmuseum.org.uk/news-blog There is a wealth of Local History and Literature at our fingertips for us to enjoy. Membership is only £15 single or £25 family).
As is often the case, many of us are familiar with the museum, but visit most frequent with our visitors and relatives. There were numerous questions posed to our speaker and he was warmly received by all.
10th – RotaKids
Shaftesbury Rotary Club launched its first RotaKids Club at a special assembly on Monday 10th October at Abbey Church of England VA Primary School.
The Head Teacher was presented with the school’s RotaKids Charter from Rotary Great Britain and Ireland. The twelve members of the new club were then presented with Membership Certificates, Pledge Cards and lapel badges before taking the RotaKids Pledge. The club is made up of representatives from a number of year groups in the school.
At the first meeting of the club that took place after the assembly, the officers of the club were elected and various possible community projects for the next year were discussed. The young people present came up with lots of excellent suggestions.
Shaftesbury Rotary Club will be supporting the club financially and by attending meetings and giving advice to the young people involved. Rotary District Council has also pledged financial support for the project.
RotaKids is a fun and exciting way for young people aged 7-12 to make friends and get involved with important activities in the community, all while having a great time in the process.
RotaKids clubs are based in schools, youth groups or community centres and with the help and support from teachers, youth leaders and the local Rotary Club, young people can gain a valuable experience in helping others and learning interesting, new things.
If you want to know more or to get involved with Rotary, please contact: hello@shaftesburyrotaryclub.org
20th – Fundraising Quiz Night
Quiz Night at The Royal British Legion Hall in Shaftesbury
Seven teams went ‘head to head’ on Thursday 20th October at The Royal British Legion Hall in Shaftesbury. As well as Rotarians, many non-Rotarians were also in attendance. The quiz masters for the night were Rotarian Peter Sale and his partner Muriel Redding. There was something for everyone in the quiz, with rounds ranging from Ukraine to Cakes to Boris Johnson, as well as a picture round.
The results were really close, with the winning team just two points ahead of the two teams that shared second place. The eventual winners were The Jack Asses team made up of Clare, Karen, Julie and Adam.
A super fish and chip supper was enjoyed in the break – thanks to Paul Filler for his help in organising this!
Steve Parsons, Assistant District Governor, joined us for the evening. As well as taking part in the quiz, he presented raffle prizes and made a vote of thanks.
I think we all agreed that we had enjoyed a fun and challenging evening. We look forward to running further similar events in the future.
24th – business meeting
We met for our General Meeting followed by a Business meeting. We heard that our recent Quiz with a Fish and Chip supper raised £180. Amongst other items of business we learnt that RotaKids has made a good start. We were pleased to learn that due to these school links, we would after all be running the Shoebox scheme this year. We then made plans for a Christmas Bingo to raise money to augment our charity funds.