Member Testimonials

When Rotarians were asked why they were attracted to Shaftesbury Rotary Club, the following comments were made:

“I particularly warmed to the understanding that Rotarians recognised the priority of family, business and then Rotary in that order”

“This was a unique opportunity in a small town to join a worldwide club and enjoy the company of Rotarians from so many different backgrounds”

“The opportunity of putting something no matter how small back into the community that we live in and enjoy the company of like-minded people”

“I was attracted to Rotary’s international reputation and the twinning with the Dutch rotary club of Heerlen”

“My wife and I were very impressed with Rotary’s work in eradicating Polio and the fact that Bill Gates (Microsoft Founder) was prepared to donate millions of US dollars and put his trust in Rotary”

“As well as the willingness to contribute to Rotary ideals I was impressed with the social events which are shown on the website”

“I did like the openness of how Rotary works, nothing secretive, and the information was clear and positive with no hidden surprises”

“After the required two hosted dinners and meeting such a varied group of people and looking at what Rotary has contributed both locally and internationally I was delighted to be offered the opportunity to join”

“I might be old fashioned but I regarded the opportunity to become a Rotarian as a privilege!”

“My family business moved from London to Shaftesbury and Rotary was the ideal connection to enable my wife and I to become part of the community”

“I am a member of Shaftesbury Rotary for fun and friendship while at the same time feeling I am doing something worthwhile for our community.”

March - Champagne Breakfast

Rotarians at the Fancy Dress Champagne Breakfast!